Luis Mantilla C.

Hi there 👋
This is my personal website. I’m a physicist and mathematician studying the intersection of machine learning and physics.
You can find more about myself here👇

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About me

My name is Luis Mantilla Calderón. I was born in Spain and raised in Colombia. I recently moved to Canada for my graduate studies.Currently, I am working on:

  • Connections between physics and ML

  • Orion: Distributed computing for AI models

  • MentPy: Python simulator for MBQC

>> Previous work


  • RA & TA at UofT / UBC / Uniandes (> 6 yr.)

  • In dependent consultant in quantum computing and machine learning (> 1 yr.)

  • Intern at Xanadu in the architecture team (4 mo.)

  • Summer researcher at Cornell with Dr. Andy Borum (4 mo.)


  • Quantum Dolphin: A ChatGPT plugin to obtain information about quantum computing papers. Tech stack: MongoDB and Heroku.

  • Legalmatic: A tool for creation of legal documents in Colombia. Tech stack: Nextjs, Firebase hosted on Vercel and Heroku.

  • Zketch: A tool for transforming hand sketches into nice renderings. Tech stack: AWS, Bubble, Stripe.

  • CoolPy: Educational python videos.

  • YouTube Channel

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